12 Healthy Hacks

I am constantly looking for healthy hacks to add to my lifestyle. And as I age into the “Long in the Tooth” years I feel like I need to incorporate more.  But in easy, bite-sized pieces.  Hacks that are sustainable. In fact, my top 12 Healthy Hacks are listed below and here’s why I chose them…

I find that as I get older, I don’t want to put up with a lot of B.S., so these hacks better make sense. And nothing over the top….like giving up chocolate. Or beer.  Not yet!

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I know, I know.  You’ve probably seen, heard, or read about 50,000 other hack articles.  But this one is different. Because it’s the 50,001st article.  Unique, right? (uhhh, no!)

The idea of hacks is not so unique, but I promise you this, I won’t include wacky health trends like eating dinner while standing on one foot and wearing mismatched socks!  Okay, that’s really weird!

I just want simple. I want easy to implement. And I want healthy results that will help me feel on top of the world….at least most of the time.  I don’t think that’s too much to ask for.  And I bet you feel the same.

And I’m not just referring to healthy eating hacks. I’m talking about the whole kit and kaboodle.  I’m talking about healthy hacks in ALL areas of your life.  Socially, emotionally, physically, and financially.  

Let’s Get Started

Again, below are a few tried and true hacks that I use most often and from which I have seen positive results. I am sure you will recognize many from your own experiences, but sometimes things learned get forgotten in all the hustle and bustle of life and a refresher is needed.  I know that happens to me All. The. Time. 

So, let’s get started. Get your pen and paper ready and let’s hack away!

The 12 Healthy Hacks List

#1 Eat in moderation. I don’t know about you, but when I overeat, I feel like a bloated whale and my gut hurts. So don’t do it!  With that said, I am a true believer that you should enjoy all foods, but in moderation. 

Have an urge for a cracker?  Eat the cracker, but look at the serving size and stick to it! And maybe eat less than the suggested serving size and only have one! Yep, you heard me.

Savor the flavor and when you eat it slowly, that one cracker could satisfy your craving for something crunchy. Now that doesn’t mean you eat a cracker at every meal or every hour on the hour.  Moderation, people!  

So, have the cracker for a snack, then eat proteins, veggies and fruits at the other meals. And don’t eat crackers everyday.  Change it up with nuts, or a granola bar. After all, variety is the spice of life.

And remember, a little bit goes a long way.  

Eat Smaller Portions

#2 Eat meals on a smaller plate.  Not a full size dinner plate. 

Did your parents say the same to you as they did to me? My parents always told me to eat everything on my plate because there are starving children in other parts of the world and not to waste it. So I felt obliged to do so. We used dinner plates, so looking back, I was eating a lot!

If you grew up with those same words ringing in your ears, then I give you permission to throw those thoughts to the curb! It is time for a new thought pattern. You don’t have to eat everything on your plate!

But if you still feel the need to, then here is a great eating hack – switch out your dinner plate to a smaller salad plate. And eat guilt free.

You won’t be gobbling up as much food. And if you eat everything on your plate, you won’t feel as full. 

It just makes sense. And it tricks your mind to see the plate full of food.  Therefore you won’t be inclined to go back for seconds. 

Not only that, you’ll save more money! Yep, that’s right, more money in the bank because you aren’t eating as much, therefore not spending as much on food in the fridge. 

Lastly, to help with digestion, put your fork down between each bite and chew, chew, chew.  It takes 20 minutes from the start of eating for your brain to recognize you are actually full.

Therefore, eat slowly, leisurely, and pay attention to when you are feeling full.   And if you feel full, stop eating, regardless of whether there’s anything leftover. Sorry mom and dad.   

The Hydrate

#3 Drink plenty of water. Hydrate throughout the day. When you drink enough water, it wards off those hunger pains or pangs that cause you to reach for food  when you are not really hungry. You are thirsty. 

Also, according to the CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are many benefits of drinking water which include helping with constipation trouble, it helps prevent dehydration; lubricates the joints, and, it’s another money saver, when you order a glass of water to drink at a restaurant which is FREE. (unless you purchase bottled water). 

And, since the fun of aging never stops, did you know that as you age, you lose more body fluids and gain more fat? Yay! (ugh!!)

This means you can become dehydrated much quicker.  That can be dangerous! So, drink up!

Personally, I carry a reusable water bottle with me whenever I travel, exercise or run errands in the car. It is one of my favorite drinks!

Lastly, go ahead and add fun flavors to your water with a slice of cucumber, a sprig of mint, a lemon or lime wedge.  So refreshing!

Skip Dessert

#4 Brush your teeth.  To get rid of those pesky sweet cravings. 

Now allow yourself to indulge sometimes. I love sweets and enjoy a treat or two on the weekends. But if I’m trying to karate chop that craving outta here, just brush!

Do this after a meal and before the “I need a sweet dessert” craving sets in or anytime it comes calling your name. 

That’s right. Brush your teeth and you won’t feel the urge to eat that dessert! Peppermint helps curb your appetite and it is refreshing. 

Plus, the big bonus, your breath will smell fresh, not like that garlic bread you just enjoyed.  And, of course, you’re helping prevent gum disease.

Wear Out, Don’t Rust Out

#5 Exercise.  As you age, the way you exercise should change.  For me, that means no more hardcore step aerobics.  I still want to get my blood pumping and heart rate up, but with movements that are easier on the joints. 

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I love to dance, so I make sure to work all my muscles when I do. Sometimes moving very quickly, sometimes moving in slow motion – almost like tai chi – to get a different workout. 

You lose muscle mass as you grow older, so lifting weights helps keep them as strong as possible. Don’t have access to weights? Lift a gallon of milk, jug of laundry detergent or even the dog – as long as he isn’t huge like a Great Dane.

Yoga, biking or swimming are also wonderful and more gentle on the joints, yet effective. 

The goal is to keep moving.  As my 87 year old, yes, I said 87 year old, co-worker and friend, Sister Helen Dolores, says her mother always told her and she lives by today, “Wear out, Don’t rust out!”  She runs circles around me some days. 

So keep moving.  Every single day!  

The 12 Healthy Hacks continues…

Save More, Spend Less

#6 Save money.  Get in the habit of saving more, spending less. Do you really need Starbucks every day?  Or can you make yourself a cup of joe at home and save $$$$ by doing so?

And with that extra money saved, deposit $5 or $10 to your savings each day. It’s not a lot, but a little bit here and there adds up. 

Jot down all your expenses and see where you can make adjustments.  Are you using all of your subscriptions like Netflix or Spotify? If not, unsubscribe and get rid of them.

For your lunch break, do you pack your lunch from home or eat out?  Packing a lunch is less expensive and is better on the waistline.

Meeting friends for happy hour? How about meeting them for a power walk instead?  This is easier on the purse and your hips will thank you. 


#7 Build a social network.  It is very important to have some sort of support network and social life.  Through family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or the community. 

Being active socially is linked to better overall health, a feeling of connection and being just plain happier.  Studies from Harvard Medical School have shown you live longer as well.  

Personally, I love my family time where, once a week, we make a point to do something fun together. 

And the time I spend with my girlfriends is treasured as well because we can let our hair down.  We confide in each other about whatever is on our mind. We get really silly, laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time, and talk for hours. And together, we even try to resolve the world’s issues. 

Think about who you can reach out to this week and invite them out for a walk to catch up. Not sure who to reach out to?  Volunteer at your church or local community center and make some new connections. Social connections are priceless!


#8 Put down your gadget. And all electronics at least one hour before bedtime. Yes, that includes television. Especially if scrolling through social media or watching the news gets you worked up from what you read or saw. You don’t need that right before bedtime! 

You’re supposed to relax, so once you hit the hay, you can reach that much needed REM sleep. 

And, heck, maybe you feel this, too, I already have a hard enough time getting a full night’s sleep because I’m either having a hot flash and flinging off the blankets or need a bathroom break.  So, there is no need to add extra ammo against you reaching the zzzz’s. 

May I also suggest keeping your cell phone in another room and turning it off to keep you from being distracted by any phone vibration, beeps or buzzing noises throughout the night. 

Don’t even get me started on that blue light from the electronics!

Stop Eating Before Bed

#9 Don’t eat right before bed.  And as the 12 Health Hacks continue, this is another great healthy hack – stop eating about 3 hours before bedtime. If you do eat later, your body will be busy digesting the food you ate, which makes it harder to fall asleep. Can you say indigestion or acid reflux! It slows your metabolism and can cause weight gain, too.  Blah!

If you’re really hungry, try drinking a small amount of water to offset that feeling or, if you must, eat a healthy snack like an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter – one of my favorites.

Woman enjoying a healthy snack.
MmmMmmm! This apple with peanut butter is delicious!

Spend Time Outdoors

#10 Get your Vitamin D.  Naturally by making time outdoors in the sun for a few minutes each day.  In the morning is best and helps set your natural circadian rhythm.

Listen to the birds, feel the breeze, look at all the different colors of nature – the green of the trees, the blue of the sky, the variety of flowers. Enjoying the outdoors can help you relax, feel calm and at peace.  

Meditate and Visualize

#11 Meditate for just 5 minutes. If you need to, wake up 5 minutes earlier to fit this in. Put yourself into a very comfortable sitting or lying position. Think about all the blessings you are grateful for and that’ll set a positive mood for the day.

You can also visualize your dreams and goals for the future.  Think out of the box, out of your comfort zone and let there be no limitations on how far you can reach. And then visualize each individual tiny step in detail on how you’ll reach that goal.

Pay attention to your breathing, deep into your belly, and allow yourself to slip into complete relaxation.

Enjoy a Bath

#12 Take a bath. This is one of the healthy hacks I don’t use, but want to start, and that is enjoying a bath instead of a shower.  I do need to take a load off my poor achy feet and that’s just the hack I need to do so. And not to mention it sounds so luxurious!

Lots of bubbles, soft music playing, a glass of wine. Cucumbers on my eyes (hmmm, does that really work???)  Maybe I’ll have my husband sit by the tub and feed me peeled grapes while I relax. Ahhh, heavenly!  Who am I kidding, he won’t do that!  And that’s okay.

The Finale of 12 Healthy Hacks

These are just 12 healthy hacks I use and hope you find them helpful. Do I utilize them 100% of the time? Nope. Only about 70% of the time. 

No one can be 100% focused, 100% of the time. And don’t be so hard on yourself if you aren’t. You are human after all and as you age, you evolve, so, too, should your healthy hacks.

It is okay to start and stop, to fall out of routine because of life situations.  But, eventually get back to your healthy habits, tweaking them if needed.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below what healthy hacks you’ve tried in the past or want to start exploring.  I am very curious!


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