Aging Sucks…or Does it???

Aging sucks!

Wrinkles. Gray hair.  Droopy boobs. Having the energy level of a sloth. 

Aging sucks!! Or does it???

Well, it depends on the day. Some days are hard. Yes, everyone has “those” days! But, for most days, I say no!  Aging does NOT suck. I say do not let age define us. Age is just a number! Instead, let us allow ourselves to feel spirited, to have FUN and dare I say it (yes, I do dare, thank you very much!), be youthful???  

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It took me quite some time to figure this out. This aging thing. Let me start from the beginning.

A Stupid Decision

I was 52 years old. Working in a toxic environment that nearly broke me. I’d put on a calm front at work, mustering all the strength I could just to get through the day, every day.

I’d get in the car to commute home and bawl. And, I’m not a crier! I didn’t recognize who I’d become. I had hit rock bottom.

But I made a decision. A tough decision. And, maybe a stupid decision according to some folks.

After having a near breakdown from that toxic work environment, I quit that job two weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, without another job lined up.

Talk about bad timing!!

So, there I was. Out of work.  No one was hiring. And I was unsure of what to do next with my life.  Could I pivot at the ripe ol’ age of 52? What did I have to offer?

I had filled many roles in my lifetime. Daughter, sister, student, employee, friend, wife, mother.

But I had forgotten to take care of the one role that certainly was most important.  Me. Myself. I. 

And because I had let myself go on the backburner all those years,  I had let myself go in every area – physically, mentally, emotionally! 

Recognize the Need to Change

My reflection in the mirror revealed my gray hair.

You could travel with the size of the bags under my eyes.  Paris, anyone? 

I needed to lose weight.  

My confidence level had flatlined. 

And I was anxious. I hate feeling anxious! 

Aging sucks!

I admit, I started to feel sorry for myself – maybe even a bit dramatic. I’ll never be young again.   I’m an old bitty. Life is like a box of chocolates, just eat the whole damn box because I’m getting fatter by the second! See? Just a bit dramatic!

Was I still confident amidst the wrinkles cropping up around my eyes, cheeks, and mouth?  

Did I still feel attractive even with my crepey looking skin?  

Reading glasses. Need I say more?

Tricep flab is a real thing. Watch me fly like a bird…

I was feeling frumpy.  

My body looked like a sack of potatoes.  

Muffin top? Yep, I was rocking one.   Even though I exercised regularly.  

My metabolism had obviously slowed down, actually, skidded to a halt, and it felt impossible to lose the extra 20 pounds I had gained through the years.  

I thought, is this the way it’s going to be for the rest of my life?  Was I doomed to feel and look this way forever? 

Heck, I might live another 50 years!!! Could I take it?  Heck no!

You Are Not Alone

Then I started to wonder, was I the only one who felt this way? Do other women have the same issues?  

Do you?

Have you ever felt stuck?  Felt alone?  Unsure of what’s next? Like all your years of hard work is plummeting downward with this age thing?

Are you tired of accepting what seems like the stereotypical aging process? 

Of seeing the effects of gravity taking over and your boobs having dropped to the knees? A bit exaggerated, but you get my point.

A Fresh Start

Well, enough is enough!  

It was time to stop feeling sorry for myself and take control once again. 

I decided, I’m in the drivers seat of my life and I had to grab it by the reins and steer it in the direction I wanted to go. (Screeeeech!)

And you can, too!  

Start fresh.  Everyone has a burning desire within them. Find that fire. Re-ignite it! Don’t know how?

There are many personal development coaches and life coaches out there that can help guide you to a better place. Find one that has a personality that jives with you. That’s the route I took.  

My personal development mentor helped me understand myself better and to see what makes me tick.  I learned that communication is key. And you know what? That includes your inner dialog. Your communication with yourself. Make sure it’s kind and loving.

Since no one was hiring, I was intrigued by creating my own income.  So, I became a stock photo contributor and a budding blogger. 

I joined a Toastmasters Club to build confidence in myself and improve my communication skills. 

Lastly, I dabbled in introductory Improv classes which were so much fun and also helped me with communicating effectively and thinking on my feet.  

Stepping out of my normal, out of my comfort zone and trying new things was the stepping stone to the new me. I’m continuously open to new experiences. Life is too short not to try!   

It’s Never Too Late to Change

To date, I’ve lost 10 of those 20 pounds and am still counting.  I’m eating healthier and feeling more energetic. Bye-bye sloth! 

The world is a big place with a lot to offer and there is so much to learn and to do.  

Why not step out of your comfort zone and try something different? Once again, look for your inner fire!  

Maybe something you’ve always been curious about and had in the back of your mind.  

A cooking class, guitar lessons, Master gardener course, zumba?  There are a plethora of options.  

You are in the driver’s seat in your life.  Which route will you choose?

The Final Countdown

Does aging really suck? 

Well, it is something we ALL do.  No getting around it.  But it’s how you go about it that makes the difference. 

Make it a positive journey. Take care of your health, make yourself a priority, learn new skills, explore.  And when you are taking care of yourself, loving yourself, then you can really give wholeheartedly to others.  

You are NEVER too old to pivot, to try new things, to make a change! Live your dreams!

Yes, aging sucks some days!  But I’m ready to face it head on and full steam ahead!  How about you? Join me?

Here’s to us on our aging adventure.  Let’s go get ‘em!



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