Empowering You

Be forewarned. This article includes a few curse words and has one descriptive, kind of gross, incident. But I felt the need to include it to make my point. Empowering you! If you are willing to continue and ready to read with an open mind and heart….let’s go! Have you heard the adage – Shit……


According to collinsdictionary.com, the definition of slouch is a drooping or bending forward of the head and shoulders. Or, for an informal definition, a person who is incompetent.  For example: when it comes to basketball, she’s no slouch. Now, I admit, I am a sloucher!  The first definition.  I tend to droop over.  When I……

12 Healthy Hacks

I am constantly looking for healthy hacks to add to my lifestyle. And as I age into the “Long in the Tooth” years I feel like I need to incorporate more.  But in easy, bite-sized pieces.  Hacks that are sustainable. In fact, my top 12 Healthy Hacks are listed below and here’s why I chose them………

Where Did I Put My….?

The other day, I was filming an Instagram post.  I had set my glasses down on the desk because I can’t see up close worth a dickens with my glasses on.  Isn’t aging great???? Anyways, I finished filming and walked out of the room. After a minute, I realized I didn’t have my glasses on. ……