Finding Beauty

I love all things beautiful. But finding beauty in our world right now feels difficult. With all the bad news out there, it feels overwhelming and I know I feel helpless at times. 

Do you feel the same? Do you think, “What can I do to help”?  Pray, donate funds, volunteer, be a positive person and pass that positivity forward.  Those are all helpful, but is that enough? I don’t know if I’ll ever feel that I do enough. Does anybody? 

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I certainly want to be aware of what is going on in the world, but I don’t want to dwell on it 24/7.  That causes me to feel panic, stress and anxiety. 

In fact, I don’t watch the news.  My husband does (too much, I’m afraid), so I ask him to give me a brief summary on what I need to know.  I prefer to focus on the beauty around me.  On the positive things. 

Does that mean I am in denial or ignoring the problems at hand? No. I am doing what I can to help, but I also know my limitations and need to be available to others as a mother, wife, friend, co-worker. So I need to be in the right frame of mind.  And for me to do so, that means finding beauty around me.

Finding Beauty in Our World

Finding beauty in our world is necessary.  It helps dissipate the panic, stress or anxious feelings we may have. It gives us a break from the heaviness of world news.

Just this morning I woke up before the sun.  The full moon was behind the clouds, but its light was shining through like a beacon in the night. 

It made me pause.

The beauty and peaceful quietness of the morning was a reminder that the world truly is a beautiful place. Even on the days our senses are clouded by negative news, that light, that beautiful light of good, is so bright, it filters through the darkness.

Let’s focus on that. Life is good.  And that, my friends, is beautiful. That reminder was a good kick start to my day.  

My Mind is Busy

I walk or bike to work most days.  And along my travels, my mind is busy with all the things I have to do, the problems I need to solve or can’t solve, the breakdown of conversations I had with others, yada, yada, yada. 

And all along the way, the birds are singing their songs to the rising sun.  I am, however, oblivious, because I’m busy with my thoughts. 

After a few minutes of brain babble, I stop and remind myself to listen.  To watch. To feel.  To find beauty. Then once my mind has settled,  I hear the birds chirping. With all the many varieties of birds and their unique sounds, they sound like a choir of nature. 

I see the beauty of the flowers. Their intense colors and placement in gardens and yards are easy on the eyes. I relish in the feeling of peace as I breathe deeply. 

Once I’m at that point of surrender to nature, making my way to work is like a reminder of what is really important.  We are surrounded by beauty. In nature. In wildlife.  And that is a reminder that the world is a good place.  

Me and Lindsey, my daughter, finding beauty in nature. Look at that waterfall!

Look for the Positive

Look around. There are always positive, good things happening around us. 

A young child handing her mother a beautiful flower that she picked from the yard. Filled with all the innocence a child has.

A customer looking the sales clerk in the eyes and saying “Good morning” and “Have a nice day”.

A commuter letting another commuter merge in front of them.

People volunteering their time to help those in need.  A stranger extending a hand to help another. 

Every single day, people are engaging with others in positive ways because humans are wired for connection. 

As Brené Brown, author, researcher, storyteller wrote , “Connection is why we’re here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.”  

Finding Beauty through Connection

One way to connect is finding beauty within each other. Through humor, kindness, empathy, love and listening.  Showing respect for one another.  Cheering on others.

And as a woman, I especially want to cheer on all the other women out there, because I’ve noticed some women can be unkind to each other. Or will gossip about each other. Possibly through jealousy. But most likely from their own insecurities.

Let me say this, there is room for everyone at the top. And cheering another woman on does not encroach on your own superpower, your own unique gifts. What it does is spread positivity, union, connection and that is good.

When I was in high school, there was a student who was quite beautiful.  One day I approached her and said, “You are so pretty”.  And she responded most appropriately with a simple, “Thank you”.

I felt a strong need to let her know she was lovely and who knows? Maybe she needed to hear it that day. And you know what? It made me feel good to let her know that.

All people want to be recognized for who they are.

And why not pay a compliment to someone. It certainly doesn’t hurt you and it builds up the other person.

To have true connection with others is a gift. Take a minute to say something kind to a friend, the mailman/woman, or a stranger today. Because today, they just might need to hear it. Find the beauty in all people you meet, and don’t forget to include yourself.

Lindsey, my daughter, relaxing and enjoying the beauty of the river.

Finding Beauty Within

Finding beauty within ourselves, especially as we age, can be challenging some days.  We can be our own worst critic.

There are some mornings when I look puffy, wrinkly, and pale. Okay, I admit that’s every morning. But rather than focus on that, I recall that I went to bed late that night to jam on the guitar with my brother or to listen to my daughter in college talk through an issue she’s dealing with or my hubby and I had friends over to play cards.

So rather than fret about the puffiness, I add a little cream to my face and get along with my day.  Focusing on the beauty of my relationships with my family and friends helps me find beauty within because that connection makes me feel loved and special.

My physical beauty may be evolving, and that isn’t a bad thing. It’s just changing and still lovely (I keep reminding myself). I certainly have my dark days.  Sometimes I’m just “in a mood”. 

But those gentle reminders of goodness, a kind word from a stranger, a friendly “hello” from a neighbor, connection with family and the beauty of nature all help me focus on the light.  Of the goodness. Of finding beauty out there more often than not. 

And that puts me in the right frame of mind.



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