Gift of Life

Birth.  The gift of life. But also, the ultimate death sentence.  When we are born, we are one day closer to our death. We’re that much closer to our last breath.

That sounds really morbid, but when you think about it, it’s true.  Each day we live, we are nearer to our last day.

So, what does that mean for you and me? That means that each day on this Earth is a gift. The gift of life. A gift to live our best selves each and every day.

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The Gift of Life and A Purpose

When I was a little girl, I knew in my heart, in my very soul that I had a gift. Or in other words, a purpose. I could feel it in my bones.  I didn’t know exactly what that purpose was, but the feeling was there. Therefore, I knew I was special and unique.  Just like all of you. 

Now, in my 50’s, I look back and realize that I’ve been living my purpose all along.  My purpose has evolved in time, and continues to evolve. My purpose had to do with my identity. 

For example, as a wife, my purpose was to build a solid relationship with my husband. To make “us” work.  That was (and still is) my purpose in that role. 

As a mother, my purpose was to keep my children safe, and raise them to be independent, good citizens, so they can live their life with purpose and with confidence.

As a writer, my purpose is to write uplifting, hopefully humorous articles for all of you to read and ponder upon.  Which reminds me, I haven’t written anything funny in this article yet.  But that’s okay, I’m in serious mode.

My purpose in the future?  I don’t know. But I do know I have goals that I’m striving to meet which will open up new doors and roles and lead to new opportunities and, with that, a new purpose.  I’m sure of it. 

And that purpose, or gift, is the gift of life.

Your Purpose

Have you been living your purpose? Are you enjoying your gift of another day?  Are you living each day as your very best day yet? And I say “yet”, because if we use the word “ever”, that means nothing afterwards will ever be as good.  It’s all in the language we use. 

So, again I ask.  Are you living each day as your best day yet?  Do you know you are living the gift of your life?

When you wake up in the morning, take a minute to think about what you’re grateful for that day.  For me, I am grateful I woke up and I have another awesome day here on this Earth.  To be a positive influence, to be kind to others and myself, to have fun at work and at home.  

In the evening, before you fall asleep, think about the successes of your day.  For example, I did the dishes (a cleaner home). I was kind to others (building good relationships). I walked the dog (raising a healthy pet).  Simple things, but important things.  To recognize you were successful and you made a difference.  And that successful feeling is a gift in itself. 

Your gift of life is a gift to the world.

You are special and unique.

And you are here on this Earth to spread that gift of you to others.

With your purpose, and maybe you’re not 100% sure of what it is yet, let your voice be heard.  And as you speak your truth, your purpose will be found. 

Gift of Life
You are a gift! Unique, special and one-of-a-kind!

Hiding Your Truth

It’s interesting to think that little children aren’t afraid to be themselves. They can be goofy, silly, and have temper tantrums. They speak their truth at all times, until they learn not to.

Does that sound familiar?

Your parents or guardians taught you to behave a certain way as you grew. And when you entered your school years and saw how others behaved, or maybe you were teased, you tried to be like them and covered up your true self with debris, hiding it from others.

Your truth got so buried, that you forgot who you truly are. You lost yourself and your purpose. Isn’t it time to gently sweep away at the debris to rediscover your unique and special self once again? And once it’s uncovered, it will be beautiful, it will be freeing.

It is a gift.  You are a gift!  

How to Find Your Gift

If you are not sure of your purpose, your gift, if it is buried so deep, how do you find it?

This may sound very woo woo, but you have the answer within you.  All you have to do is ask.  Ask yourself, who am I? And listen.

It may take some time to hear your answer, but ask it every day.  It will come. And it’ll get easier. You have the answer to every question you may ask.  And the answer may be how to go about finding the answer or what your next step should be. The answer may surprise you, but it is in you.

Try it now.  Sit up in your chair.  Get comfortable and clear your mind.  Breathe deeply.  Once you’re settled, ask your question.  Words will pop up in your mind.  Let them flow freely.

If it is not the answer you are looking for, dig deeper, ask “why?” or “what does that mean for me?”.   See what answer you find.  That answer is your inner voice or your instinct, or in another word, your gut feeling.  That inner voice will sweep away the debris and lead you to your purpose.  Your gift to this world.  The gift of life.

Gift of Life

As I think about this gift of life. I think about my last days (which is far, far in the future, I hope, because I’m not done yet).

When it is time for me to depart this world with my last breath, I want to know that I lived each day fully. I will be grateful that I experienced the gift of life, my life and my time here on Earth.  That I made a difference and lived with purpose.

For now, I am taking a deep breath of fresh air, ready to rock this day. And I am super grateful to have spent this time with you. 

Let me know in the comments below what you’re grateful for today.



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  1. You are a gift! Appreciated reading this, especially since I just made the mistake (once again despite swearing it off f-o-r-e-v-o-r) of reading posts on Nextdoor. So much screaming and nonsense over the happenings of daily life. I much prefer this route of finding the joy and meaning — and beauty in life. Appreciate these positive vibes!

  2. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for the some things I can accomplish. Sometimes it’s the little things that are the hardest to get done and to recognize in our family and and friends. I love your blog Kathleen. Thank you for you💗

  3. What am I grateful for? I’m grateful for the fact that you’ve been a dear friend in my life for over 30 years and I have been a beneficiary of your positive, encouraging and uplifting ways. You always bring out the best in people and lighten their spirits even if they’re going through troubles! Thank you for being you!!

  4. Well said. In the world of TV, movies and news it is often overlooked that the gift we provide is the daily quiet consistent effort. It certainly is not glorified. No, we did rush in and save the heroine (or hero) from the explosion but instead everyday those around us got a clean, safe home with food and moral support. The sum of the aforementioned efforts over one’s life time is huge.

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