Look at Yourself

Hey, you.  Yes, you.  It’s time to get serious.  I want to talk to you about…You!  Have you really looked at yourself recently? I mean, really looked?  That’s what I want you to do right now…er…actually, after you read this article. But immediately afterwards, I want you to go look at yourself in the mirror. 

Yes.  Really look at yourself.  It doesn’t have to be a full length mirror, just a mirror where you can see your lovely face.

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Now, look deep into your eyes.

What do you see?  Are you feeling the feels? 

Keep looking.  I want you to look at yourself for one whole minute.

You can do it.

The Good, The Bad

What are you feeling when you look at yourself?  Again, I want you to feel all the feels.  All the emotions that come forth from looking at your reflection.  The good, the bad, all of it.  

Now, turn those feelings into memories.  Are you going a little gray? A lot gray?  Well, that’s awesome!!  Those gray hairs represent your many years of experiences and memories.

I remember the time my dear daughter, Lindsey, ran away from home at the ripe ol’ age of seven.  I couldn’t find her anywhere. 

She was missing and it was after dark. Her bedroom window was wide open, a ruse to make us think she left from it.

After searching for what felt like forever, I finally found her outside hiding in the fort her dad built. She had a near empty backpack with only one can of soup and a can opener.  That’s it.

I was so relieved she was found and the tension left my body. But, Sproinggg!!! Out popped a gray hair on my head. At least, that’s what I told her.

You know what?  That kid ran away again!! Sproing, sproing, sproing!!! See? Gray hair equals life memories…

Crows Feet and Lip Lines

Now, I know what you’re thinking as you continue to look at yourself in the mirror.

What about those crows feet on the side of my eyes?  

Well, gorgeous, let me tell you.  Those are the lines that came about from years of laughter with your friends, family, and possibly even the grocery store clerk.  Isn’t that fantastic??? 

Those crows feet are from when you were cracking up, laughing so hard, tears rolled down your cheeks and your stomach hurt!  We all need to do that more often. 

Those crows feet? They are from years and years of fun times and, once again, memories….

The lines around your lips when you pucker up?  Well, I suppose that’s from years of kissing someone special (wink, wink).  

Even from giving a big peck on the cheek of your child(ren), or grandparent.  Those pucker lines are memories of good, kissable people in your life.  

Keep looking in that mirror.

You are beautiful.  You’ve had years of experiences and memories you’ve made.

Time to Make That Change

As you continue to look in the mirror, do any feelings arise? Maybe you feel a strong urge to change in a certain area. Maybe it’s time to make that change.  Something to think about.  

And, it’s never too late to change. No matter how old you are.  But remember, take teeny tiny steps.   Nothing too drastic.

Don’t decide today’s the day you’ll quit drinking your five sodas a day.  Take it easy.  Decide to drink four sodas and replace the other soda with plain ol’ yummy, thirst quenching water!  I LOVE water – can you tell???

Plan to do this for two days.  Just two days!  Anyone can do two days! Then, after those successful two days, vow to do another two. 

Continue at this pace until you don’t even think about it.  It becomes automatic – a new habit.

How long does it take to form a new habit?  Who knows!  When I researched the topic, everyone came to a different conclusion.  Some say 21 days, others say 18 to 266 days.  What the heck? 

So, you just keep at it as long as you need to.  Everyone is different and unique.  Once that new habit is formed, do it again.  Drop it to three sodas, etc.  You will see that change you desire with patience and perseverance.  Slow and steady, girl, slow and steady!

Keep Looking

Do you like what you see in the mirror?  Yes, you should still be looking at yourself, the minute isn’t over yet!  

Who do you see?  Do you see your mother?  Your father? The milkman? (yikes, that’s a totally different story altogether).  Do you see You? Are you living up to your full potential? Your true authentic self?

I hope so.  And I believe in you.  You are a beautiful person.  Inside and out.  And you have been given special gifts to bring forth to this world.

Now, after that minute of serious exploration of yourself, I want you to remember to be good to yourself.  Be kind to yourself.

The loudest voice you’ll ever hear is your own.  

No, No, No, it’s not Uncle Larry’s voice, although he can be pretty loud, especially after a few Bud Lights!  

It is your own, the one that speaks to you every minute of every day in your mind.  Sometimes it won’t shut up.  

But, you can take control of that voice by being aware of what you’re thinking to yourself.  Of being mindful of the present moment and finding your positive, cheerleader voice – the one that is supportive, that cheers you on, saying, “You got this!”.  

And lastly, be your own best friend.  

As you leave the mirror and take one last look (for now), give yourself a big high five at your reflection.  After all, you deserve to be recognized and high fived for being you!  

High Five your Reflection in the Mirror
Give yourself that big high five that you deserve!!

Here’s to you!  



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  1. Hi everyone! I enjoyed just looking in my eyes, easier to ignore those wrinkles on my face. Mine are from many hours spent in the California sun. All through 12 years of school, we had to eat outside at lunch time. I didn’t realize it then, but I learned to love those hours outside. I still miss the CA sun today. My mother took us to the beach once a week in the summer. We played and swam in the waves for hours. After marriage, we took our children to the beach as well. You guessed it. I loved to swim. So now at 77 yrs., I must own the wrinkles and be grateful for the happy memories.

  2. Thank you for helping me remember what these fine lines and crows feet are all about. Let’s celebrate all the beautiful memories we have to cherish! Let’s celebrate all the years we’ve survived and have become stronger because of it! Let’s celebrate because we can give back by sharing our wisdom with other people in our lives! There are more blessings to count with every additional year lived. Happy New Year of 2022 with fine lines, crows feet and all!!!!

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