Power of Words

“What we have here is a failure to communicate”. This line was said by the character “Captain” in the film Cool Hand Luke to reason with Luke, a prisoner, about why he beat him. In that particular movie, that scene, and the power of those words, made sense.

But that line has another meaning and has much more significance in our everyday lives regarding the way we speak to ourselves and others. The power of words, our “failure” to communicate effectively, can affect you, everyone around you, and society as a whole. 

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Again, the power of words, or what we say or don’t say when we communicate, can change a mood, can start wars, and can make you laugh or cry.

Think about these three little words…I love you.

How do they make you feel?

Isn’t it amazing? Just those three simple little words can inspire you to feel on top of the world and make you feel extra special. 

And the power they hold! Those three powerful words build a connection between you and another. Yet, as simple as they are, they can be difficult for some people to say. 

The power of words can affect you and those around you. Choose wisely!

Words and Emotion

Words are attached to emotion. And it’s not easy for some to express how they feel because it can cause feelings of vulnerability or exposure. And for some, that’s a sign of weakness.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Expressing yourself with words, being a proficient communicator is a super power. When you effectively speak, you can be a superhero. And if you can tap into positive communication with yourself and others, your world will change for the better. BAM!  

Sticks and Stones

Let’s go back in time.

Have you ever heard this expression when you were little? “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I know I used it.

Us kids would say this to defend ourselves from bullies or mean comments made by peers. In the moment, it may have been a great comeback and made kids feel strong, but only temporarily.

The scratch from a stick will heal. Words, on the other hand,  have the power to slice, dice and cut you like a knife. Once words leave your mouth, they can’t be unsaid.

So, will words never hurt me?  Nope! I say that statement is absolutely not true. The words you think to yourself can build you up and encourage you.  Used negatively, they can destroy you.

The words you say to others? The same. 

Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.” -Pearl Strachan Hurd

I’ll never forget the words another student told me in elementary school. She said she didn’t want to be friends anymore because I didn’t laugh enough. 

Wow!  It doesn’t sound like much. But those words hit me hard. 

And after that moment, because of her chosen words, I made sure to laugh extra loud whenever she was within listening distance.  In fact, to this day, decades later, I am conscious of whether or not I’m laughing enough.  Ahhh, the power of words!

Positive vs. Negative

How many positive words do you need to hear to offset one negative? 

Think about your reaction to a negative message you received in the past.  And if you haven’t received one, that’s great!  But, if you did,  did you dwell on it for a long time? Did you replay it over and over again in your mind? That’s how the power of words can affect you.

It takes at least five positive comments to offset one negative comment.  Studies show that negative words can induce anxiety and cause stress. 

Positive, happy words, on the other hand, promote good feelings within which leads to the “glass is half full” perception and filters into all areas of your life. 

Your tongue, or words, once they leave your mouth, have the power to take another person down. So think before you speak.  That is your responsibility. 

The goal of all humans should be to speak kind words, because words said can start a chain reaction. They can ignite a small spark which can turn into a large flame. First affecting one person, then another and another.  It can spread like wildfire.  Just look at gossip.  So, if we are to spread words like wildfire, let it be kind words.  And, as my mother always said, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Thanks, Mom.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” -Mother Teresa

The Power of Words As You Age

As we age, how do the power of words influence you? How do they affect you? 

I have been guilty of judging myself in the mirror and have done so for years!  My mind and the adjectives I use to describe myself are not always positive.  For example: Look at my puffy eyes.  Another wrinkle? Damn muffin top! 

But now that I’m older (and wiser???), I am learning to be more mindful of what I am thinking. And instead of negative thoughts, I am changing my choice of words to encourage myself. 

The words we think to ourselves are what influence us most.  What are you communicating to yourself to motivate, inspire, and uplift you?  

What are you communicating to others? Don’t forget to take note of how you are affecting them, too. 

Now, with years of experience under your belt, be a leader and a role model. Be a superhero and a good example to others by demonstrating how to positively communicate when you speak.  And when you take on that role, watch the wonderful domino effect it has with the people who surround you. That is a fantastic feeling. 

Throughout human history, our greatest leaders and thinkers have used the power of words to transform our emotions, to enlist us in their causes, and to shape the course of destiny. Words can not only create emotions, they create actions. And from our actions flow the results of our lives.” Tony Robbins

Only you have the power to make a difference in your life. Don’t fail yourself and others through negative speak. Use your power of words to thrive!

Change your words, change your world. And the world around you.



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  1. Thank you for reminding me of the power of words not only said to others but also to myself. How powerful they are!

  2. HELLO Kathleen! I am always so HAPPY to listen to your podcasts! They are always so uplifting and positive. I AM PROUD OF YOU! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

    PEACE! ✌️

    Aunt Ida

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