This Too Shall Pass

This too shall pass. And, no, I’m not talking gas (we’ll save that topic for later). There have been many times in my life where I needed a slogan to get through a moment, a situation, a space in time.

Like, “This too shall pass” when I was nervous about a presentation I needed to give. Or “Sleep is for wimps” when the kids were babies and not sleeping through the night.

Heck, I needed something to make me feel like a superhero. Or, one of my favorites and still much used today “It’s all good”, when the world feels like it’s topsy turvy and I need a reminder that, yes, there are good things happening around me and it’s not all the wild, wild west out there.

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These slogans remind me that life is constantly evolving and just around the corner, things can change. They add a little toughness, a little humor to any situation so I don’t spiral down the whining, complaining, “woe is me” zone.

The Boob Throne

Here’s an example. When I was a new mom, I remember sitting on what I called the “boob throne”, a rocking chair where I was nursing my daughter, Lindsey.

It was a beautiful, sunny, summer day.

I was looking out the window, nursing my baby and I saw a car drive down the street. It’s windows were down and I could hear it’s music blasting an awesome song.

And there I was – on the boob throne, nursing my sweet baby girl. But I started to cry thinking “I’ll (sob) neverrr (sniff) have that again (waaaaaah!!)”! Feeling I would always be stuck in that time and place, on the boob throne forever – a new mom, not 100% confident on knowing how to care for a baby, exhausted.

Slogans That Work

I was no longer the young, vibrant, carefree spirited woman I was so used to being before becoming a mother. Or so I thought. This is where the slogans came into play and I karate chopped my whiny ass into strong superhero mode…Hello slogan #1 “This too shall pass”. It did.

The kids grew quickly, well, it didn’t seem quick at the time (the days are long, the years are short). But they grew and I eventually sold the “boob throne”. We even took road trips with the windows down and the music jamming. Take that, “I’ll never have that again”, whiny complaint! (karate chop!)

In All Stages of Life

Fast forward 20 years later, and those slogans have been used over and over again throughout the years, in all stages of life.

When I felt overwhelmed by a looming work deadline. When my kids went through the teen angst years and “knew everything”. Or when we were remodeling our kitchen and cooking on a camp stove for months.

I’m standing up and giving a big shout out to these slogans! They helped me then and continue to do so, especially as I age.

To remind me that I got this!

That “It’s all good”!

Geez, “Sleep is for wimps” is a great reminder of my superhero power when I need to get out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

And then when I return from the bathroom, when my mind starts to spin in 28 different directions thinking about this, thinking about that and keeping me awake for hours. Yep, sleep is for wimps!

Or “This too shall pass”. I have to admit that more and more recently when I refer to that slogan, I really am referring to passing gas. I think my future grandkids will find this one hilarious!

But seriously, with the aches and pains that come with aging, “This too shall pass” reminds me that when I place my foot down on the floor first thing in the morning, the pain in my foot will go away once I get moving and my joints warm up.

Recently, I’m thinking I might need to come up with a new slogan. To go with this aging thing. Maybe “Age. It’s just a number” or “Age like a fine wine, full bodied and vigorous ”. Or better yet, “Aging is not for the weary. We’re already there”.

Whatever I decide to use, whether it’s a new slogan or my tried and true ones, it’ll definitely help me get through this stage of life and around the next corner to keep me moving forward and make me feel like the superhero I am.



This too Shall pass and other slogans
Me and my daughter, Lindsey. Many years beyond the “Boob throne”.

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